Privacy and Cookies Management

PRIVACY: Data protection deregulation according to art. 13-14 del Reg (UE) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Deregulation, i.e. GDPR) and art.13 of italian D.Lgs 2003/196 nr.196 (named Codice Privacy)

This website is managed by Exo.m electric s.r.l .. When you visit the site or use its services, we may collect some personal data on your account, data that you provide us directly or that we infer from your browsing session and collect automatically.

We will use the information we collect about you only in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2016/679 EU). By continuing to read the following, you will know in detail which policy we adopt.

For any request for additional information or to exercise your rights, you can write to we will try to answer you as soon as possible.


The Data Responsible of this website is EFISIO COCCO, fiscal ID: CCCFSE59D15B745H, resident in Lainate (MI) via S. Franzoso, 28.


We use the data only to offer you our services, inform about our activities or answer questions. The legal basis for doing this is contained in these guidelines:

Consent: By continuing to browse the site, chatting, or providing your addresses or data, you have given explicit consent to the use. At any time, however, you can withdraw your consent and therefore be deleted from our lists by writing to

Contract fulfillment: Your data are collected when it is necessary to do so to enter into a contract, finalize an order or sale, have your contact details for communications regarding your request. We do not use it for purposes other than those set out in the relationship between the parties.

Legal obligation: We ask you for personal data if this is necessary to fulfill legal obligations.


All data are processed in a lawful, correct and transparent way towards the interested party, in compliance with the general principles provided by the GDPR and the Privacy Code (see page title for complete references);

We collect data only for the purposes set out here and / or already shared with the interested party, and in no case we transfer them to third parties unless prior agreement with the interested party in order to improve the agreed service;

When the collected data is no longer necessary, and we are not required to keep it for legal obligations, we make sure to delete or anonymize it in the shortest possible time;

Specific security measures are adopted to avoid data loss, third party access to our workstations, illicit or incorrect use of the material held by the company;

Security procedures are updated periodically.


Navigation Data

During their normal operation, the IT systems and software procedures used to operate the site acquire some data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols.

IP addresses, domain names of the users’ computers, URL address of the requested resources, time of the request, method with which the request was made to the server, size of the file obtained in response, numeric code identifying the status the response given by the server and other parameters on the user’s operating system and IT environment. Exo.m does not use the data collected for commercial or profiling purposes, and only processes them anonymously.

Data voluntarily provided by the user

Some data, such as the user’s email address linked to his name, are provided voluntarily, and are necessarily kept in order to respond to requests. Exo.m undertakes not to use addresses for purposes other than those agreed with the user (typically responding to requests or sending communications of sure interest to the user). In no case is this information transferred to third parties. Add to this that Exo.m asks its employees to sign a code of conduct that explicitly prohibits the use of user data for personal purposes.

General information on cookies

When you access a site, this or other related sites may set or read cookies and / or other identifiers about the browser and / or device you are using. A cookie is a text file that is stored on the computer of anyone viewing a website for the purpose of recording some information about the visit or being able to recognize the user when he reconnects later.

Exo.m has set its cookie policy indicating the cancellation of the files within thirty days of their collection. Therefore, if you reconnect to the site after thirty days, there will be no recognition of your location (which in any case is anonymous to us). We remind you that for other tools (social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn, which you can access from the Exo.m site by landing on our company page) the tracking rules are different and are independent of Exo.m itself, therefore we invite you to read how these managers operate on their platforms. If you are subscribed to a social network, carefully check the options you have set, to protect your privacy as best as possible.

To see how WordPress – the platform we used to create this site – uses cookies, please visit the page of this service provider

Data Security and Conservation Policies

Only our staff – who sign a stringent regulation on the non-disclosure of data – and the strictly necessary suppliers access your data;

Your data is kept only for the needed time, except for legal obligations that ask us for a longer time;

All sensitive data are protected by passwords and control systems as far as possible in step with the times, which is why we periodically review our policy and rely on professionals when necessary to suggest the improvements to be made to improve the level of security;

The data are automatically backed up daily;

Passwords are stored automatically and encrypted.

Nevertheless, we still want to remind you that there is no 100% secure system and when you send your data over the internet you expose yourself to a potential risk. We constantly strive to minimize this and for this reason we never ask for more than the bare minimum, but this does not guarantee us or our collaborators and customers to be protected from potential fraud.

The data, as mentioned, can be shared with suppliers who perform functions strictly connected to our activity: technical, managerial or fiscal operations, as well as administrative or judicial authorities in compliance with legal obligations. The protection levels adopted are the best possible and we make sure that our suppliers also do the same.

In no case do we sell or transfer your personal data to third parties.

To monitor the traffic on our site, we use the services integrated into the WordPress platform. To learn more, we therefore invite you to read the privacy policy of this manager.

You may exercise the right to be forgotten, asking any manager to make your information inaccessible. Your data will then be stored in a protected form and with limited access, only for the purpose of ascertaining and suppressing crimes, for a period not exceeding 12 months from the date of the request and subsequently they will be securely deleted or anonymized irreversibly.

Rights of the interested party

According to the current European regulation (GDPR 2016/679) and national legislation, the interested party can, given the limits imposed by law:

Request confirmation of the existence of your personal data concerning him (right of access);

Know its origin and receive clear communications about it;

Have clear information about the logic, methods and purposes of the treatment;

Request updating, rectification, integration, cancellation, transformation into anonymous form, blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected;

In the case of the processing of data provided voluntarily, receive your data in a structured form, on a medium readable by a commonly used data processor;

Exercise the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority, the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data in Italy; for information on this you can consult

For any request, write to

The information disclosed herein may be updated following a revision of our protocols or changes made necessary by new legal provisions. We undertake to notify our users through the site in a clear way if the changes made are substantial.

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